I'm ready for candy!

He hit the jack box at this house, she gives out sacks of candy, I think there might have been a couple of puppets given just special for Cooper too!

What do I say? (Not that he says trick or treat)

Pretty sure Aunt Lynn hooked him up with more then 1 piece of candy

Well, I thought I knew that lady in the mask....apparently Mama Jo scared him with her classic Halloween mask!

Cooper and Jackson

We're at Mama Jo's, I know that she has toys here....

Indiana Jones, Starbucks Worker, and Monkey (this was actually the night before!)

Thanks for taking Cooper Trick or Treating, I'm, I mean he's really enjoying his candy.

It seems like 18 mos to 2 years is where they realize that people in masks are scary. Cole and the 14 month old remained unphased, but the 2 year old with him was terrified. Cooper is the cutest monkey ever. I think Cole needs to be a monkey next year! Where did you get the outfit?
Looks like the grandparents enjoyed it as much as Cooper!
When I saw the title of this post on my cousin Candice's blog--I had to check it out. My son's name is Cooper too....and oddly enough he had the same exact costume. Too funny!
Who's house is the one with red doors? I want that front door. So pretty!
What a precious little monkey!
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