Children's Zoo

Cooper and I both had doctor's appointments on Thursday, so we're hanging out here until Wednesday. I know, didn't we move? We did, we don't hate it, but Dad is on a cruise (that cruise that I was supposed to be on), so in order to have some adult interaction I thought I'd be doing myself a favor to stay around for a few days. But we'll be back home to welcome Dad home, and I won't hold a grudge about it anymore!

Saturday we took Cooper to the Children's Zoo at the OKC Zoo. I'll be honest I thought it would be more interactive, and don't get me wrong, Cooper loved it. But the petable animals were pinned up, so it was harder to pet them, but maybe that had to do with the crowds. Here are a few pics from the day. I didn't take to many, I should have, but I was doing good to just keep up!

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