going bananas.....

 Maddie loves to eat a half banana for breakfast, she's bananas for bananas.....
the rest of us are going bananas from being stuck inside because of the snow.
We did go out a little bit last week, so no better way to start the 2nd round of snow days
(hopefully just day) then to blog about last week's snow days.

 Coop is all ready to go outside. His cowboy boots came in handy, he didn't want to
wear them, but they would be a lot better then his little converse shows or "bevo" crocs.

 Maddie loved the snow.....until she put her hand in it and tried to eat it.

 She went in for a morning nap after this happened.

 Coop tried to eat the snowman's nose.....he said it wasn't good. Then he
wanted to go inside.....so 2 hours later Dad had finally shaped a snowman out of
very powdery snow. It warmed up a little and we got them back out to take a picture.

 This was the best one out of many, then Cooper lost interest.
Obviously he had a lot of interest in taking a picture to start with.

That's the end of the first snow adventure, we'll see what this next round holds.


Wa Wa Waughs said...

Yes, I think we'll all be bananas after this week! I am determined to accomplish something in the house the next two days!

OK Chick said...

You guys had a fun snow day!!! It seems that it might be a bit more fun to play in the snow with kids. HA!

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