3.....{insert tears}

Well I can not believe 3 years ago we welcomed this little bundle of joy into our lives. He's such a fun, loving, encouranging, and too smart for his own good boy. He's changed so much, even from this summer. I really am so blessed I get to spend most everyday with him, and although some days I could go without seeing him. It melts my heart when he likes to "hold me" or "watch tv with me". Oh the things he says make me laugh everyday, and he knows how to try me, but I wouldn't give him back, he's the best! He'll always be my baby boy!

Tomorrow we are having a over the top big party bash......his friends from church are coming, all of them, so if I make it til Sunday I'll post all about it! Here goes nothing!

1 comment:

Summer said...

Three year old boys are wonderful. Mine tells me I am pretty and that he wants to marry me. Be still my heart.

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