Never have I ever....

taken a child to the er.....until last week! I was trying to wash Kellyn's hair and she slipped in the bath and busted her chin on the side. It was borderline for me about needing to get it closed up. But I felt like it was spread pretty far apart. So after my mom consulted with the docs at clinic she, Drew, and I headed to Edmond.
When the only open Mercy after hours said they wouldn't see her since they weren't equipped to stabilize a 2 year old we had a consult with her doc and he sent us on to children's! He felt like they'd probably sedate her to stitch her up. Well they ended up gluing her skin together after us waiting 2 hours. That held til Friday afternoon when we were too late for stitches. So some glue and steri-strips held it til Monday. Now we are just praying it heals nicely cause right now it's Kellyn 3- Doctors-0! It's closing and hopefully it'll close better then I expect! But chances of me ever taking another kid to the er....slim to none unless obviously
I have no other choice!

(That's a blurry pic of her chin from yesterday.)


Ryan and Katie said...

poor kiddo! I hate to break it to you but with four kids....I'm pretty sure that wasn't your last ER trip!!

OK Chick said...


OK Chick said...
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