Christmas Morning

Well here are a few pics of Christmas morning at the Young house. When I downloaded them I really thought I took more pictures then I did, guess it makes it easier to choose which ones to post!

Well there is a taste of what Santa brought, our kids are very blessed. It looks like everyone else had a good Christmas, and now that it's over we can move on to other more basketball. That's a LONG LONG season, but we're hanging in there.


Wa Wa Waughs said...

Looks like you guys are keeping Thomas popular!

Michelle said...

I'm keeping Thomas in business!! Actually I bought most if it at Tj maxx and marshalls on sale! So the trains were like 3 bucks each

OK Chick said...

I very much like the first picture. If this was facebook, I would make sure it was noted as a "like".

I'm thinking we need to sign up for a race. How about the Redbud? It's in April, and it's a 10K, which would be good before the half. Do you think you'll be in town then?

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