6 months

Our sweet little girl is 6 months....another thing we did while in Edmond was take her to the doctor. She weighs a whole 12.6 pounds and is 26.5 inches long. She had 5 shots, but she took it like a woman and did amazing! She has started this super cheese smile face (see below)....it's so funny. Oh and she is eating cereal and some veggies now, trust me it's the best thing that has ever happened to her. Although sadly to say, she is not foregoing her nursing every 3 hours.....
At 6 months Miss Maddie sits up very strong, crawls, puts anything and everything into her mouth, pulls up on everything, still loves to watch Cooper play. Likes to play in Cooper's room with his cars and trains. She loves for him to push her around in his car, and she smiles, squeals, and talks...a lot. Overall with the exception of not sleeping through the night she is a very good napper. She's a happy little girl!

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