15 weeks
It is so hard to believe in 2 weeks I'll take Cooper for his 4 month check up....4 months, where does the time go? Alot of people have been asking how much Cooper weighs now....we'll every time I put him on our scale it says ERR, my aunt gave me the advice to get on it holding him and subtract my weight. I hate scales...really hate scales, but I braved it last night and Cooper weighs probably about 13 pounds, that's a guess, he is fast approaching 25 inches long. Cooper's new trick is to laugh, like not just a little laugh, a full out snort full-belly laugh, like he can't handle it. It is very funny and most of time if you tickle his stomach he will do it, perferably in public with people around. Or Jeremy can some how get him to laugh while looking at him, it's the cutest thing ever. We are working up to our training, I slow jogged, although in my opinion I was going fast around OC on Saturday, while Jeremy ran with the stroller, with no problem, and could do it again. I guess it is good because I don't think he could actually lap me. We've decided on a November half-marathon, so I have about 1 1/2 months to make it to running 3 miles at a good pace. That's a lot of pressure, but I'll get there. We also left Cooper with his first official babysitter on Saturday night...meaning not with my parents, or another parent, but actually paid a young adult to come to our house and take care of him, thanks Colby! She did amazing, he was fast asleep in his crib when I got home, which I can't even make happen. We're working on it and hopefully I won't need to pay her to come put him to sleep everynight! Here are some pictures of Jeremy and Cooper from last night. Have a good week!
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