I was hungry.....

So after watching the 3 hour bachelorette finale Jeremy and I decided to go to the "food house" to get a snack.....which is why the view of the beach now looks like this...

I missed the last step, didn't do a good job of breaking my fall and now I've got this beauty of a splint, crutches, and an appointment with an ortho surgeon on Monday. Let's say July has been a bad month for me. The good news is I'm still alive, still at the beach, and I will get better eventually. Lesson learned: Don't eat after 8 like they say!


Summer said...

Oh no! Mothers are not supposed to break bones! I am so sorry. I hope you heal quickly.

Wa Wa Waughs said...

Is that why your Mom is looking for a college girl to help with kids??? So sorry but at least you have a great view!

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