It's the most wonderful.....

Or possible stressful time of the year. I'm sure most everyone feels pressure during Christmas, I usually feel more relaxed then I do this year. But next Monday I'll be 4 weeks away from delivering a 4th child, I'll have a husband that will leave the next day to go back to work, working away from the girls has been difficult for them, at least Maddie, and I have no idea what job I'll have after the baby comes and no child care lined up if I do get another project. Pile that list with I've done nothing to get ready for baby and trying to make plans for 4 Christmases to make everyone happy is leaving this mama overwhelmed.
I need a break, but since that's not happening maybe I just need to spend some time in prayer. Also I should remember that I'm lucky to have families that want to spend time with us over the holidays, even though I'd just like to stay home; I also have a great project right now that I do get to semi work from home; and so far an extremely healthy pregnancy. I know things could be worse! We did manage to squeeze in shopping for a tree and breaking out some Christmas Jammie's! Cooper gets to wear his to school tomorrow for a Christmas read in and singing and party! I don't have great pics of decorating the tree cause we squeezed that one in Tuesday night after basketball homecoming! See it's a busy time of year.

So while everyone might not get their way next week sometimes you just have to make sacrifices; possibly it'll work out better then planned.....

Busy Last Week!

Last week we were busy. I'm continuing working in Alva, the girls are doing okay with the adjustment. Maddie isn't a big fan, so hopefully this is short lived.

Cooper's Christmas program was Tuesday, my mom and Mama Jo came up for the program to watch him. I didn't get a picture of all of them together, I should've. After the heater in the Auditorium wasn't working well, they moved their 2 shows to 1 show in the cafeteria. It was crowded. I attempted to film and take pictures for Jeremy, because they were making their start in the Frontier tourney at the same time as the program. So I was especially glad for the help, to attempt my video and picture taking while not having to worry about the girls.

See you can barely see him. Oh well. Kirk, our new elf came to our house after Cooper's Christmas program....thanks mom. But in all seriousness, the kids are so excited to look for him every morning, now if I just remember to move him around. The play was cute, the text from basketball mom's were stressful, but we won, so all turned out good! We had a break on Wednesday, then Thursday I didn't go to Alva and just worked from home so we could make Thursday's game for the tourney. They played Tonkawa, which is a bit of a rival, we have not beat them since Jeremy started coaching at Newkirk. We won in a thrilling double overtime game for the boys to make an appearance in the Championship game!! Everyone was so excited, and I didn't go into labor, so double bonus! Friday night the JV played and the kids and I stayed at home.
Saturday was the annual Newkirk Christmas Parade;/ I took the kids to that before heading back to Frontier for the Championship game. The parade was pretty cute, and freezing cold. As long as the kids were collecting candy, they were good to go. Except Maddie just sat in the back of the car and let her siblings round up the candy.

Then off to Frontier we went to watch the boys take an impressive commanding lead the entire game. They played so well, I am so proud of them. I am also so excited for them, it's been a long time since a boys team has accomplished a tourney win, so we're told. They have worked hard for it, hopefully it's only the beginning. We've got 2 games next week, so hopefully they'll continue their winning streak out! I know winning isn't everything, but it's definitely more fun when they win!

Newkirk's biggest fans!! Jeremy had extra medals, so everyone wanted one but Maddie. Kellyn actually tried to wear hers to bed, but don't worry we didn't let her!!

Tis the season!

Nope not the Holiday season, but it's Basketball season, finally! I know I'm a crazy coach's wife who is probably more invested in these games then I should be, but a happy home is a winning coach! (He's not that bad if they don't win though!) We had our annual pasta dinner on Sunday night, the regulars came, the new guys just don't know what they are missing.
We ate leftovers 2 nights and I sent a pan of spaghetti home with one of the boys. But you better believe I kept the entire ice cream cake roll that was left!

Monday night the JV played Ponca City, Jeremy only played his best JV players for half, so they lost that game. Then last night was the official start for Varsity. They were playing a private school out of Wichita. The boys were pretty nervous cause if you matched the teams up their stats might have looked better then ours. But the boys played so well, ahead by 10 or so the entire time until the 4th quarter when it got close. I told them after the game I like those relaxing games, and they said they liked the closer ones. I reminded them that's all fun until I go into labor.....they agreed so maybe they'll make the rest of the games easy wins! The night ended well with the JV and Varsity boys winning, and the Varsity girls won too at the last minute! (No JV girls game.) So opening night was an entire sweep for Newkirk! Hopefully there are a lot more of those to come!

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